Today I wanna talk a bit about the way I'm making my comics.

Not that I should be a reference of any sort after like 4 comics :D but still. When building an online comic platform the key is of course content. You need to have one. And by having one I mean continuosly producing new comics and publishing them on the page. For a pro artist that is not that much of a problem but for an amateur like me it's a bigger issue. People say that you don't need to be a good artist to draw comics - which might be true - but you still need a good story. So let's pretend I have one :D In order to be fast in producing new comics I've come up with a plan (which I believe others use too). I'm preparing a base for basically everything.

BossNow this is an example of what I'm talking about - the setup for the boss character. So what I do is I draw all components of the character in advance with each comic (some have been done before start also). Then I just copy paste with new position, orientation, ... That leaves me with backgrounds which I do in the same way. What is left is really is coloring and text. This can be seen in the first two comics of RoboMafia as you can find a lot of similarities between them.