5. Click Team Fusion 2
5. Click Team Fusion 2
Click Team Fusion 2 looks a bit old in design but don't let that fool you. It's very well up to the task of making games although it's more or less platform 2D again. If you're giving it a try remember to download the developer option as the base one will not even give you enough options to make a solid tutorial. Apparently there are a lot of things to download, meaning you have a lot of preset behaviors like moving and jumping for example that you can use directly without any effort.
One of the base tutorials makes you create a simple game with a space man jumping around the screen. You are basically placing sprites onto the screen and making the scene with them. Defining those sprites tells them how to behave.
Everything is basically done by right clicking into the screen and selecting an option from a wheel. With those options you build up a scene, ad players, enemies, etc... In the same screen you also define physics, behaviors and graphics. Image below shows the setup of activities for all objects (courtesy of the official page). This concept is a bit different to other programs as all the objects are already in a table and you just select an action for them.
There is a graphical in editor implemented so if you're planing on making a basic game that could well be enough for you to make the sprites there. You can just double click the sprite and edit it directly. It's not that advanced but could be useful for your first game.
Pricing is reasonable when you buy the basic version of th software but goes up to 299$ for an advanced one. There is also the modules you need to buy to export to specific platforms which will make it more expensive. So all in all it can get quite expensive. It is a single payment though so overall can be cheaper than other options if you plan on using it years to come.
In the site blog you can find quite a few examples of the games made by CTF2. If you're a Super Mario fan you will see that this is again one of those programs in which you can make such a game.
As the software includes it's own graphic editor you can basically make the complete game with it, especially if your target is a simple game with sprites which are not too complex. All the sprites in the tutorial video above are made by myself so you can see that it's pretty simple so you can start building immediately. I can say that the software is comparable to others but it has some specifics you need to learn as usual. Once again the price is not so nice if you plan to do a simple project but if you plan to earn big $$$ then it should not be a problem for you anyway.
Difficulty: 8
Literature: 8
Cost: 3
Overall score: 5